Luxury Hotel Experience

Rooms & Suites

Paradise Hotel


Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendu

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From $400 USD / Night

Two Bedroom Penthouse

Located in the heart of the top floor in the main guest building with expansive views of the resort and Caribbean Sea.

  • 1 king-size bed, 1 sofa bed
  • 1905 squared feet
  • 3 Adults
From $400 USD / Night

Two Bedroom Penthouse

Located in the heart of the top floor in the main guest building with expansive views of the resort and Caribbean Sea.

  • 1 king-size bed, 1 sofa bed
  • 1905 squared feet
  • 3 Adults
From $400 USD / Night

Two Bedroom Penthouse

Located in the heart of the top floor in the main guest building with expansive views of the resort and Caribbean Sea.

  • 1 king-size bed, 1 sofa bed
  • 1905 squared feet
  • 3 Adults
Luxury Hotel Experience

Main Facilities

Private Terrace

Garden Or the Caribbean Sea


Rainforest Shower Head

Swimming Pools